Live Organic and Natural

CHARCOAL Clay Face Mask for PORE CLEARIFYING (for Oily to Combination Skin)

Regular price Rs.950.00

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Activated charcoal effectively cleanses the skin, unclogs pores, removes deeper impurities, and dead skin cells. The result is smooth, supple, and even-toned skin.Dirt, toxins, heavy metals, chemicals, and other poisons are attracted to the charcoal molecules and washed away.

The beauty of Activated Charcoal is that removes these nasties without adsorbing vitamins and nutrients, leaving your skin radiantly healthy.

Activated charcoal is inert, which means that it doesn't cause allergic reactions nor will it irritate sensitive skin if used correctly. In fact, activated charcoal can be used to help remedy allergic skin reactions.

Activated charcoal works like a magnet – it will draw out the impurities in your pores so that they can be washed away. Pay special attention to the skin on your nose, forehead and chin, as this is where pores appear the largest.

As the mask dries on your skin, you'll probably see little oily spots -- these spots are your pores detoxifying before your very eyes! You needn't let the mask dry out like a desert for it to work well, however, do mist your skin with water or toner if you start to feel itchy or uncomfortable as the mask dries on your skin.

Misting once or twice keeps the active botanicals in the mask at the maximum potency to benefit your skin while helping your skin retain hydration as well.


In recent years, activated charcoal has become a hugely popular ingredient in the beauty world. Despite limited research to back up its skin care benefits, many people have had positive outcomes with a charcoal mask, enjoying clearer skin and a healthier complexion. t


Make a thick paste of the provided powder and apply on face and neck. Leave on for 10 to 15 minutes or until dry. You can also use this Mask as a Scrub when it is a little wet,  massage to exfoliate skin and rub away the dead skin.